Traffic speeds increased due to the increase in the size of vehicles, and long bridges such as landing bridges, railroad crossings, and water supply protection areas were increased. There is a need to open protective fences for high-strength bridges to meet the strengthening of fence standards.

Key Features

Refracted post
  • Sectional Design for large flexural rigidity
  • Outstanding fall prevention by functioning and behaviour of compositing horizontal grips with beams
Structural features
  • Easy to install and maintain with socket type fixing device
  • Connecting the bars and expansion joint structure
Shock-absorbing device
  • Multi-step absorption by rails and impact buffering devices
  • Transformation of impact force into deformation
Shock-absorbing device
  • The rails and shock absorbers absorb shocks in multiple stages.
  • Absorbs impact force as strain energy.
  • Its round shape makes it beautiful in appearance and it attracts attention.
  • Effective crossbeam layout considering the height of the vehicle bumper.
  • Rigid brittle reinforcement structure of the rail connection part.